Saturday, 14 March 2020

Saving OLU/MOU and LS

After days building your troops, your nuke is finally ready for the battle, but you're sleepy and go to bed. The alarm rings, but you don't wake up. The enemy hits your OLU, flyers or LS and you lose everything and give a lot of BP to him.
In order to avoid these situations, I recommend to send an attack with all your offensive troops and ships to an inactive city 2 oceans away, check the travel time and mutiply by 2, if the result is higher than your bedtime, then it's a good city. But if I can't find a city? You can build a transport boat(it's slow) and the travel time will increase.
The cons are that you'll not be able to use your troops when you wake up with the alarm. But the decision is yours.

Any doubts post in the comments.

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