Monday, 9 March 2020

Beginner guide(2019)

This guide is for a offensive player, you can adjust something according to your gameplay.
Before we start, there are few tips that will improve your development in the game. I will not put much details into this guide, but if you have time, go and read the full articles.

  •  Follow the quests. They give troops and many resources;
  • Choose Hera as your first god and don't recruit more than 1 divine enjoy;
  • Don't break your beginner protection. Wait for the last day, because you'll be more prepared.
  • Finish the bandit camp as fast as possible, using the items wisely; 
  • Pick all the farming villages and upgrade them to the level 3. You must save your battle points to upgrade your cultural level in your Agora, because the Bandit Camp gives around 2200 BP, so spend it wisely in the beginning . Being active, you are going to have 3 cities in the end of beginners protection.
  • Choose slingers for your first nuke, even if the island says "-stone"
  • In your first week, you will receive a bonus of 75% in all your production camps. I recommend to cast Happiness every time. It will help a lot.

Full article here

If you are active, then resources is definitily not a problem for you. The bandit camp and the quest provide many items and resources to build your city and recruit your army. Anyway, your army always come in first place, then the you upgrade the building with the rest.
The most effective way of gathering resources is farming inactive players and smallest players, building production camps(silver mine, quarry, timber camp), looting from the villages and trading with villages.
In the very beginning, you will attack the bandit camp and follow the quests, upgrading your buildings and training your army(slingers or horsemen). There are also troops as rewards in the quests and in the bandit camp. You end with a decent army. :)
Loot your farming villages, the most you can. This will give you a good advantage against the semi active players.
After the beginner protection end, you can start farming other players. Never use swordsmen and archers for farming unless you know that there are no troops in the inactive player. You will farm with slingers or horsemen.
And don't nelect your warehouse, you don't want to waste your resources. Click in the warehouse and you see how much time the warehouse will fill up. If it's lower than your amount of sleep, so you have to upgrade it.

Full article here

Your first goal is to colonize a city, so you can specialize as fast as possible. It will be your second a city, a mixed city(defensive land units + birremes), there are many defensive troops that you receive and it's a good idea to send all of them to this city.
Early building priorities:
Senate lv15 (it's a prerequisite for many buildings and speeds all buildings);
Farm lv25 (you always need population to train)
Academy lv10 (to research Colony Ship);
Warehouse lv13 (to stock enough resources to build CS);
Barracks lv10 (to speed your training time);
Harbour lv10 (to build CS)
Wall lv10 (it's very situational and depends of the world, read Walls);
Production camps lv 20 (not a priority);
Temple lv5 (not a priority);
Market lv10 (not a priority);
Cave lv5 (not a priority)
After you finish upgrading, your city will have +-2300 points.

Before advance, read Academy right below. Now you have a good attack and defense. It's time to conquest a city. Pick an easy target, don't be greedy. But before that, you have to research conquest. You are going to unlock this probably in the end of beginners protection. Your third city will be a Light Ship city.
Building priorities:
Senate lv24
Farm lv35 (to build Thermal Baths)
Academy lv28 (to research Colony Ship)
Warehouse lv20 (to stock enough resources to reseach conquest)
Barracks lv15
Harbour lv10
Wall lv15 (it's very situational and depends of the world, read Walls)
Production camps lv30
Temple lv5
Market lv10
Cave lv10
After you finish upgrading, your city will have +-6200 points. Now, you must max the following buildings: Farm, Warehouse, Barracks and Production Camps.

Full article here

Don’t research everything!
Slingers, as I said before
City guard, when you’re attacked, use your militia, with this research you have more “population” defense;
Villagers Loyalty, good for your first three cities;
Ceramics, extra 2500 store of resources;
Architecture, you will economize many resources;
Trainer, to build your army faster;
Crane(good if you have the advisors and if you’re active);
Shipwright, by using this, you don’t have to upgrade your harbor to 15;
Colony Ships…;
Light Ships, to escort your army;
Conscription, for cheaper army;
Catapults, if you are going with slingers, don’t research this if you are with horsemen;
Fast transport ships(FTS), transport ships are pretty slow;
Bunks, makes your FTS useful;
Plow, free farm level basically;
Phalanx, you need this(once researched your troops will attack with a boost of 10%, also your DLU support will be 10% stronger. If someone attack your city, you’ll defende better);
Mathematics, for cheaper ships;
Battering ram, for stronger Light ships(once researched your ships will attack with a boost of 10%, also your birremes supports will be 10% stronger. If someone attack your city, you’ll defende better);

Cartography, your naval attacks are faster.

Full article here

Offensive units are: slingers, horsemen, hoplites and chariots.
Grepolis is a war game, not a Sim City. Only the most active and agressive players will advance to the endgame, so don't make the mistake thinking in a peaceful expanding.
Your army will be made by slingers. Because they are the cheapest and strongest regular units and people usually won't have many swordsmen, cerberus... Hoplites need Ajax and Chiron to be effective and Horsemen are very expensive and take a lot of time to train them.
Avoid attacking active players. If it's possible join the same of alliance, then he can protect you, instead of attacking you. Be polite and respectful and divide the island territory if he is your enemy.
Your firepower consists in slingers/horsemen + 10 catapults(read here) + 50 Light Ships. Never send land attacks without Light Ships or you will lose all your army. Don't build Transport Boats, build Fast Transport Boats(FTS).
Once you build thermal baths, you are going to be able to build a bigger and stronger army. Avoid mixing units(even though, it's pretty common in the beginning, but focus in one type of unit+cats+LS).
Never attack with swordsmen and archers, unless you're sure that the city has no troops inside. Always attack with spells, because they will protect your attacks(read here).
The bigger your army, the stronger it will hit. So send your army in one single attack and try to send the maximum amount of troops that you can.

Full article here

Defensive units are: swordsmen, archers, hoplites and chariots.
Make sure your alarm is on and check if your app can run freely in your device.
The best thing you can do is call the milita and dodge the enemy attack:

  • Send your slingers/horsemen to attack or support another city;
  • Spend all your resources in buildings, troops. Also send the rest in the market with a rate 3:1. By doing this, no one will trade with you, and your resources are safe.
The enemy will see that you are an active player and will lose interest in you. But he could have conquest researched, in this case, ask help for your alliance.

Full article hereAlso read about spells.

First god: Hera(she's recommended in the quest)
Her spells are really good, especially happiness and population growth. As I said before, in the first week you have the bonus in your production camps, then you cast happiness. The other spell will accelerate the recruiting time in your barracks, this will help a lot to build a huge army. Don't make Harpies, because their usibility come in the middle, late game.
Second god: Artemis
Without Purification, you can't defend against any attack with a spell casted in. I don't recommend to cast her spells unless you're full of favor points. If you're not being attacked, you can use Aim of the Huntress in your slingers attacks. Also she can give you stone with Nature's Gift
Third god: Poseidon
You must have him, he will help you to build your navy: Light Ships or Birremes. Cast Kingly Gift and Call of the Ocean to receive wood and accelerate your harbour, respectively. Don't forget to keep enough favor points to cast Sea Storm in naval attacks from the enemy.
Fourth god: Athena
She has Wisdom and Heroic Power, a defensive and offensive spell, respectively. The first one is really good for beginners, since you don't have a good idea of the incoming attack. The second one you use to boost your attacks.
Feel free to choose Hades or Zeus, it depends of your gameplay.
Fifth god: Hades
He will help you with silver and to hide your colony ships attacks. Cast Helmet of the Invisibility in all your attacks that involve a CS.
Sixth god: Zeus
Cast Favorable Wind in your naval attacks and save enough favor to cast Zeus's Rage in a land attack.

Full article here

Before joining an alliance, check a few things. My advice is to wait the beginners protection end, and send a formal message to a recruiter/leader of the alliance that you want to join:

  • Position/Core - Never join an alliance that isn't in your ocean and never believe in an alliance spread in 2 or more oceans(there are fe exceptions, check here). Their position must be close to your cities and they should have a core(Their center is full of allies);
  • Members - You should't have to look to total points of your ocean alliance or its size, but to the quality of their players and their attacking points. You can see if their members are active, just looking Grepolife and using the scripts(check here);
  • Leadership - If a leader sent an invite, without even knowing you neither asking your objectives in the game, it just shows that he is probably an incompetent and will sink the alliance. Good leaders usually are above than the majority in points and battle points, and send formal messages of inviting or don't send.

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