Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Revolt World


I'll just cover the basics and not explain them. By far, revolt worlds are the easiest to play. You basicly must send a successul land attack, wait and clear the city for 12 hours(it depends of each world), and then send an attack with CS. If you will land and naval battles, the city is yours.
The best strategy is doing several revolts in different cities, so the enemy defense will be split and you'll take one of these cities. I'll write about this in the advanced.

Type of Cities

Defensive style:
x OLU/MOU city; x LS city; x Birs city; x DLU city
Offensive style:
x OLU/MOU city; x LS city; Birs/DLU city

x represents a number. In the offensive style, you should focus in Birs or in DLUs.
Conquest and mixed defensive cities are good in Conquest Worlds. 
MOU or flyers' city, you can use them to replace an OLU city, but I don't recommend to use them so often, because you're main firepower will be made by regular units.


Research CS and Conquest in all your OLU cities, this not includes city of flyers(read MOU city). Your goal is to destroy all the land units of the enemy with your OLU nuke and destroy all the naval units with LS nuke. 
To make your OLU army, I recommend to build at least 10 catapults, 50 light ships and Fast Transport Boats. In revolt, it's common to find walls level 25 plus Tower
First send the LS nuke, then your OLU nuke(revolt attack), otherwise, you can lose many OLU for a stack of birremes.
Keep cleaning the city and send the CS in your OLU attack before your LS nuke. But if you lose all your LS fleet in your first attack, then give up of the enemy for a while. You don't want to see your CS sinking.


Upgrade your walls in all your cities(unless they are in a safe area) and put a Tower. 
DLU - Under an attack, dodge the first one(you're city will fall in revolt), except you're sure that you'll be alble to defend it, and with the help of your alliance and defend the others incomings attacks and call back your troops. If the attacker used catapults, rebuild your wall and ask for stone and silver.
Birs - Under an attack, dodge the first one(you're city will fall in revolt), except you're sure that you'll be alble to defend it. Find the CS attack and stack your birs in your city, before the CS.


In revolt, you don't need to defend both land and sea units in your city. If the enemy destroy all your naval units, but lose the land battle, then his CS returns. If the enemy don't destroy the naval units, he loses his CS.
Just choose one of them and ask for the right defense: DLU if you have a wall level 15 or higher, or birremes.

Basic Strategy

Keep an offensive gameplay will prevent you from being attacked. The best defense is the attack. DLU and birremes don't "win" wars, they can only defend. The more agressive and active you are, the most intimidate you'll be and people won't mess with you.

Any doubts post in the comments,

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