Tuesday, 10 March 2020


To build and rebuild big armies we need to know the best ways to gather resources. Knowing this we'll have a big advantage over our enemies.

We can obtain resources in 4 different ways:

  1. Completing the quests and the bandit camp(limited);
  2. Trading with farming villages;
  3. Demanding farming villages;
  4. Farming other players;
  5. Upgrading production camps;
  6. Playing special events.
Completing the quests and the bandit camp

Finish before the BP ends.
This is should be your first goal: complete the quests and the bandit camp as fast as possible in order to build a strong polis with a big army. Use the items wisely. For example, if you are going to use Efficient Architects, then use this item when you queue is full. Sometimes you can put "8" building under this item effect.

Trading with farming villages

Market level 5 recommended.
Everytime you trade with a “fresh” village you receive additional resources. You can also trade with the Phoenician Merchant(You must have at least one harbour). It's time consuming, but in the beginning it can help you to trade "unwanted" resources and receive a resource that you need. 
Later you mostly trade between your own cities.

Demanding farming villages

Research Villagers' Loyalty(It requires an academy level 7) 
This is interesting in the beginning, but you will get sick of it. Farming every 10 minutes it’s boring after a month of gameplay.Don't forget to use the 8h demand, when you go to bed.
Also, it’s not a smart idea to pick many farming villages, they just get more and more expensive. In my opinion having more slots is more important than having more farming villages. I recommend to pick 3 villages and upgrade them to level 3

Farming other players

100 horsemen(Academy and barracks level 10) recommended to farm empty cities.
Most of the time, there are 2-4 active players on an island. The others become inactive, so they turn into free villages. Also if you are stronger than the other active cities you can farm them with slingers or horsemen. In naval cities, you can boost their development by building horsemen(they are the best farmers) and farming ghost cities.
If you find an active and strong player, send polite messages to him, dividing the territory and maybe joining his alliance. Early wars in the beginning is not good for you.

Upgrading production camps

Put them in level 30 in all your non-main cities.
Easy to upgrade, non-stressing, automatic farming. Do you need more than this?
When they reach level 30 you will receive as much resources as 2 farming villages. In the beginning they don’t help very much, but in the later game they will be your main resource source. Maximize all the production camps along with a market level 10 or higher, trade between your cities. It's not always possible to build a slinger nuke in a specific island. Some cities will lack in some resources and vice versa.

Playing special events

They are limited, but when they appear, make sure to play them every day and use their rewards wisely to build your army, city. etc. 
Their main problem is that enemies can use the rewards too, so be ready to defend on going events.

Any doubts post in the comments.

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