Tuesday, 10 March 2020


I'm sad. It has been a couple of years and the same six gods remain intacts(Artemis and Poseidon aren't in the picture).
Anyway, each god has his own mythical units and spells. I'll describe in a few words how good they can be:
Zeus: good for LS attacks and land defending. Also you can build Manticores Nukes.
Poseidon: good for naval cities and sea defending.
Athena: good land attacks and defense. Also you can train Pegasus for defense.
Hera: good for resources and defense. Also you can build Harpies Nukes and Medusas for CS escort.
Hades: good for CS attacks. Also you can build Cerberus for defense.
Artemis: essential for defense and sligers nukes. Also you can build Griffins nukes.

Start with Hera. She will boost your barracks with Population Growh and give a lot of resources with Happiness, use your first week to build a strong army and polis. It's very important in the beginning or you will get stuck.
Artemis for defense and stronger slingers nukes. Then Poseidon, using Call of the Ocean to build Birremes and Light Ships in your naval cities.
The rest you can decide for yourself, but I recommend Athena, Hades and Zeus.

When you worship a determined god, you can't switch him/her.If you do, you'll lose all your favor points, unless you need a specific defensive mythical unit(But this is for the intermediate game, so don't worry with it right now). Also the more cities worshipping the same god, the less favor you will receive in total, then before worshipping the same god, take all the gods first.
Worship each one of the gods, so you can use all of their spells.
Therefore you can start building your first mythical nukes. But be careful.with myhtical units, they take more time to be recruited than regular units.
I'll talk about defensive mythical units in a intermediate post. ;)

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