Thursday, 12 March 2020

OLU city

The CS city(first city)

Following these steps, you will end with a 12000 point city that is a good city. As I explained before, your population is limited. Your goal is build a good army, not a pretty city
The first city has the bonus spell that increases the production by 75%, use happiness with it and boost your first city as fast as possible, you’ll receive a lot of resources, the enough to upgrade your city and training your troops and ships.
 Building your offensive army since the beginning, you’ll end the beginners protection with a powerful nuke. Make a conquest attack, wait for the Red revolt and the enemy city is yours :).
PS: Build stronger nukes removing the CS of your army. Since this is your first city, it's going to be an OLU with a CS city.

Best islands for:

  • slingers: +stone or regular stone
  • horsemen: + silver or regular silver
Building priorities(1st city)

Senate 24, in this level you can pick the special constructions;
Academy 28, to unlock conquest;
Farm Max, upgrade farm always, your army power is determined mainly by your farm level; Warehouse 20, to stock resources for conquest, battering ram...;
Market 10, to send resources to other cities;
Barracks 25, to build your army faster(use population growth from Hera, you can build your nuke in 2 days, if you have the resources);
Harbor 10, to build your Light Ships and Colony Ship(Use Call the Ocean from Poseidon, so you can build your navy in 2 days);
Temple 10;
Cave 10, to espionage and prevent espionage;
Wall 25, it depends, but in the begin is important to have a solid defense;
Resources that one with + max, normal 35, - 30, this is for your army basicly .
Special building: Thermal Baths and Tower/Divine Statue(temple 12), more population and more defense or more favour.

Academy priorities(1st city)

Don’t research everything!
Slingers/ Horsemen, as I said before, one of this two will be your offense power;
City guard, when you’re attacked, use your militia, with this research you have more “population” defense;
Villagers Loyalty, good for your first three cities;
Ceramics, extra 2500 store of resources;
Architecture, you will economize many resources;
Trainer, to build your army faster;
Crane(good if you have the advisors and if you’re active);
Shipwright, by using this, you don’t have to upgrade your harbor to 15;
Colony Ships…;
Light Ships, to escort your army;
Conscription, for cheaper army;
Catapults, useful in revolt worlds and in specific situation in conquest worlds,
Fast transport ships(FTS), transport ships are pretty slow;
Bunks, makes your FTS useful;
Plow, free farm level basically;
Phalanx, you need this(once researched your troops will attack with a boost of 10%, also your DLU support will be 10% stronger. If someone attack your city, you’ll defende better);
Mathematics, for cheaper ships;
Battering ram, for stronger Light ships(once researched your ships will attack with a boost of 10%, also your birremes supports will be 10% stronger. If someone attack your city, you’ll defende better);
Cartography, your naval attacks are faster.

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